Google ain’t working

November 16, 2010


I’ve got a gripe today: It’s called Google. Read this please, and then follow on. I received the following correspondence:

“LEGAL WARNING: Our science & technology team has recently launched Google web software to protect and secure all Gmail Accounts. This system also enhanced efficient networking and fully supported browser. You need to upgrade to a fully supported browser by filling out the details below for validation purpose and to confirm your details on the new webmaster Central system.

Account Name:
Pass word:
Note: Your account will be disabled permanently if you failed to provide the details required above within 72hours. Gmail will not be held responsible for your negligence.
The Google web Service.”

To me, this is clearly a spoof phishing jobbie. BUT my gripe is this: How come Google can suck in our personal data ad infinitum for future use – but when we want to alert them to these dodgy scams, we cannot CONTACT them? We go around and around in circles because they only provide the “positive” side of using Google in the help sheets, and you cannot ever speak to a human being. The very least Google ought to be doing as a Duty of Care to the global masses which created Google’s popularity, is to alert them to these dodgy practices. Right or Wrong? GOOGLE – HELLO!!!!  stop playing with your algorithms (if there’s  a  double entendre there – it’s intended)  and talk to me and the world please……

An alert on the Google home page globally might be nice for everyone. That’s a really small ask and you know it, when you can add beautiful diagram-enhanced anniversaries on a whim. Come on Google – do it for all of us. 🙂